Canvey: Life on Mars? It's just some online
argy bargy!
Canvey folk have been fooled that Beagle 2 was looking for life on Mars - when really it was on a mission to find Canvey's demolished barge!
Well that's the latest development in the online world of the internet auction site eBay anyway.
Selling for 99p at is a tongue-in-check poster showing what, in an alternative universe, could have become of the concrete barge.
The poster pokes fun at a row which erupted a year ago about the historical significance of a former concrete barge at Canvey's Island Yacht Club.
Local historian Len Barge, 70, was furious when it was demolished on the grounds it was a dangerous eyesore.
He claimed it was used in the D-day landings during World War Two, yet commodore of the club Barry Hiscutt was not convinced.
Published Thursday January 29, 2004
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